Data makes you smarter

It’s a pretty tough environment out there, especially where funding is concerned. As Dale Chang says – he’s the vice president of portfolio operations at Scale Venture Partners so he should know) – “Tech investing isn’t what it used to be, even compared to six months ago. Investors are applying greater scrutiny to deals.”

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On brainstorming and sprinting

Group brainstorming is out, they say. Jake Knapp, design partner at GV and author of Sprint: How to Solve Big Problems and Test New Ideas in Just Five Days, certainly thinks so. When he worked at Google, he ran many group workshops. And then he thought about them.

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Out of the starting gate and on the road

The first year as an entrepreneur is pretty tough. CEO and founder of Simple Mills in the US, Katlin Smith says if anyone had told her four years ago that her company would become the second largest natural baking mix operation, she would have laughed. Now she is sharing the lessons learnt with others, what she believes matters, and what does not.

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What are your competitors up to?

What your competitors are up to is vital business intelligence. But how do you dig a little deeper than what you can Google? Dr Greg Fisher, an Assistant Professor in the Management and Entrepreneurship Department at the Kelley School of Business, Indiana University, has some ideas.

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How to source profitable mobile app ideas

The journey of an ‘appreneur’ starts with an idea. But how to get those ideas coming? Rahul Varshneya, co-founder of Arkenea, writing in Entrepreneur, says, “In this article, we will look at some of the ways that we teach at Appreneurship Academy to find a profitable mobile app idea. These are tried and tested and drawn from some of the most successful apps that you can find in the app store”.

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